Monday, April 12, 2010

Romans 8 - The Spirit's wordless prayer - A series...

Every rule has an exception... this Word Picture breaks several rules I'd set down when I started this project. I had no intention of ever using a picture of a living being, not even one which suggested a particular person (real or mythical.)

However, I'm an ardent practitioner of "art for art's sake." I don't tell my art what to be, it tells me.

That happened here.

Additionally, this picture suggested many interesting variants, each of which emphasized a different aspect either of the photo of me or the text.

The photo was taken by my wife when the medicines weren't doing anything to assuage my pain.
From Word Pictures - Inspiring Images & the Inspired Word

Here's one picture and a slide show of all of them. To see all the variants go to...

For all the other versions...
Word Pictures - Inspiring Images & the Inspired Word

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