Friday, April 30, 2010

Why I left space in the tulip pictures, and why I'm doing this in the first place

The reason I posted these uncropped images is to provide an easy opportunity for others to personalize / customize these images. That is also why I post them in highest quality resolution, suitable for printing up to full page size, rather than reduced for web.

So on the right side of such images could be church or organization contact info, or a special thought (say, a personalized mother's day card)... what ever.

Tent cards with an image, a verse, and contact information are especially useful for anyone involved with ministry to the least of the world who are the greatest in God's esteem.

Framed well matted images with a favorite verse or thought can also be very meaningful to people in times of need.

God has blessed me with a good eye for photography and a superabundance of training and experience in ministering to the suffering & needy... by these images I hope to provide others resources they can use for free and customize instead of spending money on them as I once did.

Its especially meaningful for me to be doing this since due to extreme life circumstances, this project is essentially the only opportunity to minister to the beloved of Christ, the outcast, sick and suffering.

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